Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 25 May 2007

Apartment Quite Acceptable Avenue Belgrano


Apartment Quite Acceptable, Avenue Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


For those engaged in the flows & flurries of contemporary living: what is the challenge?

The challenge is to be present in the maelstrom & the nonsense; respond to its demands where necessary; and not react to its pressures.

The word for this is freedom, but not a freedom outside the bustle; it is holding a still point within the bustle.

Outside: nonsense. Inside: purpose, poise, grace.
Outside, the bustle continues.

Inside, the bustle has no purchase.
Our concern is not to drive out noise; our aim is to invite in quiet.

How can we force quiet on the exterior world? But this is a place where quiet has entered.

How can we force peace on a world in conflict? But this is a place where peace has entered.


10.54  Biff arrived at 07.00 to a bright, sunny day, and Argentina’s National Day. In 1810 the decision was taken to be independent of Spain, which was having its own independence issues with France under Napoleon.

Hernan tells me there have been some 120 requests for interviews. Hernan has been doing mucho interviews himself, and finds the attitude of the press here very different to that in America & Europe. Only two major publications have said: no Fripp, no coverage. Is this therefore an offer we cannot refuse? Actually, it’s an offer defined in terms that are impossible to accept.

12.12  E-frenzying.

15.55  Practising on the new Beaudoux RF electric model.


This is made specifically for the NST & it is the best balanced of all my electrics. Slightly heavier to play, rather like a Strat than a Les Paul, I am developing a relationship with it. A superb instrument.


The new Beaudoux GC Professional acoustic (commissioned by Martin Schwutke) is also the best of the line I have played. We are moving incrementally forward. These are handmade & individual instruments, distinct from production line models (of which Ovations are a good, reliable choice), and each has its particular character. That is, some are not “as good as” others. But, some are therefore “better than others”. And this one is a beast.

17.18  Practising has continued.

19.54  A formal fisting of The League Of Crafty Guitarists starring Kabusacki, at 19.40 declared that we have begun!


Some minor technical concerns - buzzes, hums, levels – can buzz & hum at us tomorrow. The Team were up until c. 02.30 with their informal performance last night, so a little tired. Jet lag has me dribbling.

Hernan the Hero has a major interview next door.


